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Getin Touch is the first fingerprint authorized debit card. All you have to do to authorize your payment is press your finger to the sensor. No more PIN numbers, no low-value limit. Getin Touch debit card is easy to use, convenient and secure.

Each card is equipped with a fingerprint sensor. Before first use you have to “teach your card” of your fingerprints – you have to record your fingerprints into the card by pressing the sensor five times in a row. That’s it. The card is ready to go.

To make a payment you have to place your card near the terminal. As you do it, the sensor activates. The card is not equipped with a battery – the terminal works as a power station and the energy is sent to the card through an inductive coupling. Then you just press your finger to the sensor and your payment is authorized.

From the technological point of view the transaction is done as a two way process. The card is equipped with two separate circuits. The first one recognizes the fingerprint and enables or disables the second circuit which contacts your bank account. Why separate circuits? The answer is – security. Your fingerprint is stored on the card only and is never transmitted anywhere. That’s why it is virtually impossible to copy or steal authorization data.

You can record your fingerprint only once. It is impossible to overwrite the fingerprint data on a card, so even when your card gets lost or stolen, it would be useless to anybody but you.


First transaction with a fingerprint-protected debit card was made in October 2014. Pilot program with 200 cardholders was successful. Public release is scheduled for 4Q 2015.

Pilot program test results were very encouraging: 70% of the cardholders described a fingerprint-protected debit card as a ‘future of payments’, over 80% said that the transactions were faster than PIN-authorized ones, 100% said that using this card was equally secure or more secure than PIN-authorized ones.

In July 2015 fingerprint-authorized card will be issued to first 500 Getin Bank customers.

By the end of 2015 Getin Bank will provide fingerprint-authorized cards to everyone.

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