Cannes Lions


B-REEL, New York / SAMSUNG / 2015

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“Flows: Journey to the Future”, a sculptural installation at the world-renowned Milan Design Week, celebrated Samsung’s vision of design innovation and the connection between the past, present and future expressions of their design philosophy. For their fourth annual event at the Fuori Salone, we collaborated with Cheil Worldwide to create an installation that communicated product benefits, tied them to Samsung’s heritage and pointed to the continuation of their principles into the future. The target audience, attendees at the festival, included: opinion leaders, the design community, as well as Samsung business partners (B2B). This prestige brand activation garnered invaluable PR as well as the participation, engagement and delight of festival attendees. Perhaps most importantly, it won internal fame within the wider business for the White Goods department, galvanising support and respect from other consumer electronics design divisions. Every employee at Samsung Digital City in Seoul is familiar with this project with personal visit from President & CEO, BK Yoon.


The campaign hit its objectives and then some. Our clients and partners were all extremely pleased with the attention to detail, aesthetic sensitivity and technological innovation that we applied to the installation. The exhibition marked one of the first public-facing applications of Leap Motion technology and engagement levels were high throughout the week, with an estimated 300,000 visitors to the festival each year. Thus far, it has won several awards and is in contention for many more. It has garnered top-tier press attention from Vogue, Vanity Fair, Huffington Post, Elle Decor, Grazia with inclusions in “Best Of” lists for Fuori Salone 2014. The project became an excellent case study in thought-leadership throughout the vast Samsung organisation. Samsung’s design credentials and the heritage of their philosophy have been communicated in a thoughtful and effective way.

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