Cannes Lions

Footprints of extinction


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Case Film
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WWF Chile, in its educational role and being part of society, bets on education as a powerful tool for transformation.

Of the 8,300 known animal species, 8% are extinct and 22% are in danger of extinction, due to various causes and especially to how humans have impacted their ecosystems.

WWF Chile works to protect the terrestrial, aerial and marine environments and fights every day to reduce the impact and awareness of this. The world scenario of the fight against COVID-19 has been a wake-up call to rethink the relationship of the human being with nature and the environment. Today a reflection is urgently needed to make us aware of our impact and how we support its mitigation.


• Reach 5 M people.

• Achieve more than 15,000 visits to the website.

• Generate free earned media.

• Generate 5 K AR interactions.

• Increase engagement rate (3%).


Due to the pandemic, the collective instances were not possible to articulate; which forced children to learn virtually from their homes.

The objective of this campaign was to enhance the role of WWF Chile by generating an accessible and safe educational experience for children, launching "Footprints of Extinction" (Huellas de Extinción), a virtual museum that gives visibility to some species that are already extinct or on the verge of disappearing, in order to educate to future generations and raise awareness.


Technology has been very important to the development of society, however, its wide impact is often viewed negatively. WWF Chile saw this as an opportunity and brought out augmented reality to recover iconic animals that were extinct or on the verge of extinction.

In full quarantine, WWF Chile launched a mobile web experience called "Footprints of Extinction". The site provided the opportunity to revive these animals and share with them through augmented reality technology, where the user could choose between the stories of the DODO BIRD, THE CLOUDED PANTHER and THE GIANT ALCA. The user was able to learn more about these animals; what they ate, how they lived or who their natural habitat used to be. To access, the user must provide contact information with WWF Chile and thus be impacted by the NGO's communications (opt-in), in order to raise awareness and become partners.


The project was launched through social media (90%) and digital OOH (10%). All these were donated spaces as well as Google Grants for NGO's. It considered outdoor formats with QR codes so that people could access the augmented reality experience through their smartphones, wherever they are, on the website

The website gave the possibility of bringing these extinct animals back through augmented reality, making them virtually coexist with us. In this way, we sought to impact and raise awareness among people so that they contribute to WWF Chile and together continue fighting to reduce the risks that are destroying various species of animals.

In addition, through the interaction between people and extinct animals, each one could use their creativity and share this content on their social media to amplify the message and the mobile experience "Footprints of Extinction".


It is important to remember that Chile is once again in quarantine (April 2021), which meant that a large part of public places were closed, including educational establishments and recreational and/or cultural places.

During the campaign month the following results were achieved:

- The scope of communication during the campaign period reached more than 10 million people (+100% of the objective set).

- More than 250.000 visits to the website (+1500% of the stated objective)

- More than 15.000 AR interactions with animals (+300% over the target).

- Earned media equivalent to more than $60.000.

- 35% Engagement rate (700% over the average rate).

- 489 New adherents (+300% over the goal).

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