Cannes Lions

Fox - War for the Planet of the Apes


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To help develop our campaign, we focused on the nature of war. We discovered that during conflict, democratic societies are constantly faced with choosing sides and people are often scared of getting it wrong.

Insights from our social media campaigns for the first two movies, (where audiences had sided with the Apes), reaffirmed the dilemma they would face this time around, which would again bring about feelings of uncertainty and indecision.

This snapshot into the human psyche gave us the perfect strategic opportunity to exploit those feelings. By creating indecision in peoples’ minds about which side to choose, we could encourage them to watch the film to find out who they would end up siding with.

We then came up with a truly unique creative concept - to broker a media-first collaboration that would pit media giants ITV and Channel 4 against one another, in a propaganda ‘War’.


A media-first, we got media giants ITV & Channel 4 to simulcast two opposing ad-break takeovers, and we got them to actively encourage their own viewers to switch over to watch the ad on the rival channel!

The ads aired simultaneously during the 9pm Saturday Night film slot. This strategic ad-placement helped promote the film to a wider audience and succeeded in fueling indecision in the TV audience’s minds, which side would they pick, Apes or Humans?

The accompanying digital marketing campaign ran on mobile and online, with targeted YouTube ads and mobile pop ups, that drove audiences to the opposing ‘War’ content, to what they had already viewed.


Through this one single execution we delivered a TV audience of 3.5m. Evidence suggested that during the ads around 1/2m people actually switched channels to watch the other ad. We managed to get a huge number of eyeballs on our ‘War’ propaganda, and viewers truly involved and engaged with the ‘Battle of the Mind’.

The success of our campaign bolstered Box Office ticket sales by 22% above the figures for the first franchise film, 'Dawn.' First-weekend receipts were a massive £7.2m, with 13-week takings of £20.7m – defying typical franchise trends, where earlier films tend to do better than the later offerings.

Overall we delivered a highly innovative and impactful campaign, which raised huge awareness about the movie, helping drive box-office sales and send the final episode of the Planet of The Apes franchise off with a bang.

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