Cannes Lions

Fuck your period


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For those who prefer not to have period sex, we understand, but we didn’t want them to miss out on the advantages of a menstrual orgasm (decreased uterine pain and a reduction in the length of the cycle). That’s created a very special campaign to let women know about the joys of a “period with benefits”.

Introducing F*ck Your Period, a chance for Pornhub to help take some of the bite out of shark week by providing women with the perfect motivational material for some much needed sexual healing: Pornhub Premium. Because an orgasm a day keeps Midol away. 

Female users were encouraged to go to and fill out some basic info about their cycle and our system would automatically calculate the date of their next period. When their time of the month came, they would be greeted with Pornhub Premium for the duration of their period.


We launched the campaign on the brand's YouTube channel with a cheeky, SFW animated video that was soft on the eyes and heavy on the blood (because it’s about time). Female users were encouraged to go to and fill out some basic info about their cycle and our system would automatically calculate their next visit from their bloody buddy. When their time of the month came, they would be greeted by a much more welcome monthly visitor: Pornhub Premium for the duration of their period.

Both the website and video were given special care to have a fresh look and feel, that reminded users more of a "zine" than something created by an adult site. This was also translated to the copywriting, which skews toward humor and irreverence in a way thats much more democratic than what we see in other communications related to menstruation.


The campaign was a big success for Pornhub not only in directly measurable results like video views and website visits, but in the reaction we received from female audiences. Women didn’t just express their approval for the campaign through shares, sign-ups and individual declarations but inundated the brands social channels with messages of appreciation that finally wasn’t afraid to treat menstruation with a nod and a wink and some much needed humor.

After all was said and done,

-To date, 32,000 paid sign-ups by female users (Yearly yield of USD$3,840,000)

-17% increase in female Pornhub Premium users

-2.1 million video views on

-645,000+ video views on YouTube

-1.3 million unique website visits

-300+ unique articles in major publications

-86,000 sign-ups to F*ck Your Period program

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