Dubai Lynx

Galaxy S21 Drive In Launch


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Case Film






Situation: New flagship product launch came while Covid-19 restrictions on public gatherings and events (only 20 guests allowed per event, socially distanced) was still in full force in Jordan, due to high positive case rates.

Brief: Client requested a solution that will allow 40 selected guests to experience a full and live product launch (not virtual). The solution had to allow for 1:1 interaction with the guests, including key note speeches, F&B, entertainment and a hand's on product experience.

Objective: To set Precedent for Responsible Marketing Efforts in the country and create a full, live and immersive product launch experience, that allowed for safe physical and in person interaction with guests, while providing a WOW factor in line with "Everyday Epic" launch promise, to resonate with guests and generate quality sharable content that will take the experience viral and maximize reach, without violating government enforced social distending rules and regulations.


The brief demanded a launch event that included physical interaction with guests, in addition to creating an epic memorable experience that will take the Galaxy S21 launch viral and reach a much wider audience of followers.

We needed to create a socially responsible event with a WOW factor that would impress and engage our audience both attending the event and their follower base. We created a story that started with a very personal invitation to a live event that promised social distancing done right! and went above and beyond every expectation.

The concept of a Drive-In event ticked all the boxes. The WOW factor was achieved with surprise elements and a personal experience that started moment every guest drove in, ensuring that every guest felt special and safe while they enjoyed the proceedings, until they drove out. The epic experience provided endless opportunities for video story shares as planned.


13-34 year old female and male social expressers, who curate the best of their everyday life on social media. Their phone is vital to this expression, they hate missing a great moment as it's a memory lost, and video is vital to confidently express their everyday life epically. They are chic, stylish, youthful and they seek tech leadership and innovation.

The guest list included a selective list of local social media influencers from entertainers, fashion and lifestyle icons, in addition to media presenters, celebrity chefs among others who reached a cumulative follower base of 10.5 million followers.

We made the experience personal for every guest, starting with the hand delivered invitation that was a customized frame with personal pictures of each guest, based on the premise that every picture is a memory and it's time to start creating new and better memories in 2021, starting with our epic launch event.


The implementation of the event very challenging, the 2020 quarantine closed the doors of many venues, options were limited, the available posed a different set of challenges to the team due to size, street access, ceiling elevations, and power supply, among other things.

Every detail in the event was carefully orchestrated to ensure a safe yet epic experience. From the moment a guest drove in, temperature and security check, photo op in the car, parking assistance, 360 viewing experience (not to miss a moment), welcome drink, kick off, keynote speeches and product experience all delivered directly to their cars. Finally, a packaged meal delivery to go with the entertainment which the guests engaged with by honking their car horns in a show of appreciation.

Due to the 20 guest's government restriction, the guest list was divided over two events (Brunch & Dinner)

The timeline: brief date Dec. 3rd 2020. Event


The experience resonated in a way that was not possible virtually & helped us effectively create social & digital content with reach that surpassed every expectation compared to the last virtual launch.

The following compares the results from the Galaxy S21 Drive In event to the results from the Galaxy Note 20 virtual launch event back in August 2020.

- Attendance increased by +400%

- Influencer coverage increased by +870%

- Audience reached increased by +850%

- Engagement Increased by +1800%

- Website traffic increased by 57%

- Media coverage went from zero to 6.7m OTS

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