Cannes Lions


BBDO ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / PEPSICO / 2012

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On September 1st, 2011 we run an outdoor and print campaign in the main newspapers and sports dailies introducing Gatorade as a sponsor of the Olympic athletes. Starring Walter Pérez, Germán Chiaraviglio, Paula Pareto and Braian Toledo. But we didn’t use real pictures of those athletes. Instead, we replaced them for pics of fake athletes. And then we waited. It took 56 hours before someone noticed about it and shared it on Twitter. The “Gatorade fail” became the most discussed topic in the Nation.To keep the focus on the athletes, they handled all media request. They revealed the strategy of the campaign and had the possibility and told their stories.2 weeks later, Gatorade formally presented the real athletes and their accolades through an outdoor, print and TV campaign.


-1,320,000 digital impressions-Most discussed topic on Twitter in Argentina-Athletes’ visibility in the news grew extraordinarily: Pareto (+305%), Pérez (+96%), Alsogaray (+150%), Toledo (+70%). Source: Google news. -The live broadcast of the Pan-American games had rating peaks only comparable to football games in Argentina.The campaign contributed to generate historical moments for the athletes: -The President of the Nation received them in the House of Government and it was broadcasted live.

-One of the athletes was chosen to star one of the spots of Cristina Kirchner during her campaign for the presidential re-elections.

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