Cannes Lions

GE Voyages: Listen To The World

GIANT SPOON, New York / GE-DAKO / 2019


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film
Supporting Content






Published twice each year, Voyages is the highly-anticipated travel issue from The New York Times Magazine, delivered to 1.6MM subscribers as a supplement within the famed Sunday edition of The New York Times newspaper.

The Sunday delivery offered a more comfortable, slow-paced opportunity for readers to fully engage in the immersive experience. A time for parents to listen with their children, and friends to share reactions on Twitter, Sunday’s distribution turned a singular magazine experience into a communal one.

The print magazine had almost no written words within its pages, a bold move that encouraged readers to access the audio soundtrack online. “Listen To The World” was also available as a seamless digital experience on, desktop and mobile, for those who did not receive the magazine in print.


This is the first time a print magazine with widespread distribution was designed to be audio first. By adding sounds, “Listen To The World” revolutionized one of the world’s oldest storytelling mediums.

Print often relies on the written word to describe an exotic destination, an innovative piece of technology, or a personal experience. But this special Voyages issue had almost no words in it. With beautiful full-bleed photos for each story, and hardly any words, the issue looked unlike any other magazine.

With the ability to hear the sounds of the photos, audiences could actually feel the energy of a place, transporting them into the destination itself. Audiences could hear the sound of lava cracking in Hawaii, lemurs singing in Madagascar, and whooshing of wind through GE turbines in The North Sea. The immersive ability of audio added an entire new dimension to print.

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