Cannes Lions

Get Old

DUDE, Milan / EMERGENCY / 2022

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EMERGENCY is one of the most popular Italian NGO and they have been fighting since 1994 to guarantee Universal Healthcare to everyone. This means that everyone in the world - no matter the country or the region they come from - has the right to free access to a quality health care system. But even in 2021, after a global emergency as the pandemic, nobody in Italy cared about people “without” Universal Healthcare. There was no conversation about this fundamental right that is every day more and more in danger. Emergency just needed to find a way to bring the attention back on Universal Healthcare.


A revolutionary skincare product that promises to make you older, announced by the oldest influencer in Italy

To make Italians think about the importance of Universal Healthcare as a fundamental human right, we simplified the importance of it by saying that Universal Healthcare means having the right to grow old.

In order to tell this important message, we collaborated with Licia Fertz, the oldest Italian influencer so she could explain to a generation obsessed with getting younger, the benefits of getting old.

We also create a (fake) beauty product in order to send it to other old influencers so they could join the campaign.


To make our campaign especially relevant for the youngest generations, we partnered with Meta to collect specific data about GenZ and Millenials. Then we created a video strategy featuring our special influencer, Licia, with different video lengths and cuts related to their placements, targeting our content to users interested in beauty treatments, skincare, anti-age products and plastic surgery.

Our collaboration with Meta allowed us to select other relevant “old” Italian influencers in order to amplify even more our campaign and reach younger users who organically spread our message to their friends and followers.


1. We created a video strategy on Meta social networks featuring Licia Fertz - the oldest Italian influencer - promoting GET OLD, the first product that makes you look older thanks to the Universal Healthcare effect. Users engaged with the campaign, landing on a dedicated page of the Emergency website with a deep dive on Universal Healthcare and the description of the NGO’s projects around the world.

2. We sent a special GET OLD influencer kit to dozens of >65yo Italian influencers and talents who helped us to spread our message among their followers.

3. More than 6k spontaneous influencers joined our campaign, fueling the conversation about Universal Healthcare for the first time in Italy.


The campaign reached 4 million people who joined the conversation around Universal Healthcare, bringing it outside social media, covering different kinds of newspapers and magazines.

6 thousand spontaneous ambassadors shared their personal stories helping GET OLD to become the most successful awareness campaign Emergency ever made.

In fact, in a year populated by many, many other health issues, +120% of people reached EMERGENCY during the campaign on air.

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