Cannes Lions



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Overview:To celebrate worldwide nightlife culture, The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project asked: "What makes your country’s nightlife the best in the world?" Rallied by curators in 14 countries, Facebook users submitted 33,000 suggestions, from local music artists to cocktail recipes. The best ideas were packed into crates, exchanged between pairs of countries and then brought to life in 14 events on 27th November 2010 with "The day the world swapped nights."Challenge: To position Smirnoff as a world leader in nightlife with a single brand idea that could be delivered across many countries with varying levels of PR expertise.Objectives:- Deliver worldwide awareness and credibility for Smirnoff in the nightlife arena.- Inspire consumers to get involved on Facebook.

Strategy:- Establish media credibility and relevance using respected nightlife figures as 'curators'.- Provide a global PR plan for markets, to ensure best practice and consistency of messaging across the world.- Build consumer excitement and participation with a phased media campaign.

Outcome:The most successful global PR campaign in Smirnoff history securing 1,698 media hits with 323 million OTS and 60% online community growth.


The campaign ran for 3 months in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, GB, Germany, India, Ireland, Lebanon, Poland, South Africa, Thailand, USA and Venezuela.We launched on 13th September, placing our curators in one-to-one media interviews. A media photo-call used a branded 'crate' to symbolise the notion of packing up and swapping the best local nightlife with another country. Media coverage therefore showed a strong branded visual supporting a call for the public to 'like' the Smirnoff Facebook page and suggest ways to share the best of their country’s nightlife.

On October 22nd, we revealed the country pairs that would swap nightlife, along with key details of the event to drive ticket applications.As the 27th November finale approached, we drip-fed a series of event updates and an announcement that those not attending the live event could experience a 'virtual exchange' on Facebook. Amazingly, our campaign ran to the original plan!


The campaign successfully generated positive branded coverage, attracted new Facebook fans and generated awareness that culminated in a large turnout at the live events and the virtual exchange on Facebook:- A total of 1,698 pieces of branded coverage globally with total OTS of over 323 million.- An innovative global blogger summit generated 406 hits with an OTS of over 5.5million.- Over 1 million new Facebook fans were acquired resulting in 33,000 idea submissions.- A 60% increase in the Smirnoff global online community to 3.2 million.- Over 130,000 people experienced the event by either attending live or joining the virtual exchange on Facebook.

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