Spikes Asia

Gwen Stefani's Priceless Surprise

OCTAGON, Singapore / MASTERCARD / 2016

Case Film
Case Film
Case Film






The objective of the MasterCard Priceless Japan platform is to drive credit card usage among domestic credit card customers in Japan and generate mass leads for merchant partners. We planned to do this by offering consumers the opportunity to rediscover ‘their Japan’ through access to exclusive experiences and unique local treasures.

To launch with a bang and drive awareness of the unique offers and experiences available to cardholders, a campaign was developed that required high profile ambassadors to engage with Japanese consumers on mass.

The agency was required to demonstrate how ‘priceless’ these exclusive experiences could be to fully showcase the benefits of the Priceless Japan platform.


We launched with Gwen announcing her plans to visit to Tokyo for an exclusive concert for MasterCard customers. Keita played the role of her Japanese host, translating Gwen’s words, but veering off script towards the end to deliver the call to action;

‘If you were able to surprise Gwen Stefani with a Japanese Experience while she is in Tokyo, where would you take her?’

Keita and local viewers were ‘in’ on the Surprise.

Fans shared what ‘Priceless Japan’ meant to them, sparking discussion about the array of unique treasures in Japan. This stimulated online conversations and enabled MasterCard to serve unique Priceless Japan merchant offers Japan offers. Both Gwen and Keita’s significant social media followings extended the reach.

One lucky customer was given a Priceless Surprise by Gwen who invited him to accompany her to the exclusive Keita Maruyama fashion show, and VIP Access to her sold out concert.

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