Cannes Lions

Hard Truths to Swallow


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Case Film
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When the subject matters are equal pay, women in leadership and respect, the data disclosing the reality of women in the corporate world is far from ideal. But in Brazil, these numbers are even worse: Every hour a woman experiences harassment where she works, 74% still face discrimination at work, only 29% occupy leadership positions in industry and Brazil ranks among the lowest of 150 countries in terms of pay equality. With the objective of distinguishing the brand amid the celebratory Women's Day communications and positioning itself as an ally to the women’s labor cause, the Heineken Group decided to bring visibility to what they have to deal with every day in the corporate world and take this agenda to society, but mainly to Brazil’s major decision makers.


One of the largest beverage manufacturers in the world turned a social problem into a new product. The brand transformed data on the women's job market into a drink that reflects the world of pay inequality, harassment, sexism, male majority leadership and much more. But, unlike the brand's other beverages, this one had a dreadful flavor. To give the Lidera a try, we created an experiment and invited notable CEOs to be part of the very exclusive launch of "Heineken’s new drink". We capture the reactions and conversations generated by the flavor inspired by the feminine reality. We created digital content shared at events, podcasts and principally on the guests' social networks. Together, they became the campaign’s foremost influencers, lending visibility to the message, taking part in the discussions, sharing it on their social networks and making the agenda reach even more leaders, contractors and decision makers.


With content that breaks away from the standard structure of Women's Day advertisements and with awareness of this differential, the strategy was on the objective of Reach: to impact the largest number of people over 18+ and principally, decision makers (through our influencers). We let the content arouse the public, and thus generate engagement with the piece through the brand's corporate social networks and the social networks of the campaign's influencers: Heineken Group’s leaders and, of course, the invited CEOs who acted mainly on Linkedin. The quantitative data (impressions, reaches and views) were taken from the proprietary social networks where the content was delivered (Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube), the website data came from Google Analytics. Using Trends Radar, we classified the qualitative interactions, and understood how the public absorbed and interacted with the themes covered by the Women's Day campaign amid so many other campaigns broadcast on this day.


The Heineken Group invited leaders to the launch of a product inspired by International Women's Day. In this experiment, they tasted the beverage without any context regarding its flavor. After tasting the flavor that they had also helped create, they came to realize that this flavor had been concocted to show, the unpleasant reality of women. Participants reflected on the subject, spoke with the brand's female leaders and were invited to be part of the fight for better numbers. Each name was chosen strategically as they would be the influencers and be responsible for disseminating the message. Their influence and contact networks were taken into consideration so that decision makers would be impacted by the campaign through the CEOs’ connections. Together, they made the message reach the biggest companies in Brazil and around the world, making Lidera the subject of content on social media, discussions at events, and podcasts.


The experiment was launched on social media on International Women's Day and reached more than 20 million views, registered over 94% positive comments, had a 709% increase in organic shares, achieved 99.2% organic traffic and reached more than 70 big companies in Brazil and around the world through organic posts made by influencer CEOs. All awareness was generated using only the brand's institutional channel and in spontaneous media, the campaign attained a value that comes to almost 10 times the media budget invested.

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