Cannes Lions



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Save the Children needs donations in order to continue carrying out their work.

So what did we do?

We launched Heart Inside. An alternative to the usual way of donating.

Heart Inside is a plug in that you install onto your computers web browser. From the on, with every online purchase that you make Save the Children receives a donation that does not cost you anything.

To promote this initiative, we had the help of Enric Cervera, professor and researcher in robotics at the University of Jaume I in Castellón. In a YouTube video Enric showed the world the first computer with human feelings. A technological revolution. Then we launched another video. A tutorial where Enric explained the plugin.

With the audiovisual campaign on the Internet, We also sent a mailing to opinion leaders. Organ transplant boxes with a USB Drive inside, to install heart inside.

A heart ready to be transplanted.

Some of them were delivered live on prime time shows.

A this point of the campaign, celebrities and football players, like Bisbal, Llorente or David Villa joined the initiative. Showing their millions of followers how easy is to help Children all over the world.

Over 30,000 online shops are collaborating with the initiative Heart Inside and companies all over Spain have installed the plug in on all their computers in their offices.

70% of users who discover Heart Inside then download and install it, which has made Save the Children extend the campaign indefinitely and even export it to other countries.


An alternative way of donating.

A plug-in that you install onto your computer's web browser. From then on, with every online purchase that you make Save the Children receives a donation that doesn´t cost you anything.

To promote it, we had the help of Enric Cervera, professor and researcher in robotics at the University of Jaume I. In a Youtube video Enric showed the world the first computer with human feelings. A technological revolution. Later we launched a tutorial where Enric explained the plug-in.

We also sent Organ transplant boxes with a USB Drive inside, to install the heart inside, to opinion leaders.


The campaign has just been launched and acknowledgement, reputation and downloads are growing exponentially each day. Results are showing a great success so far and we expect them to get even better after the PR actions that are being prepared in order to maximize the tool’s reach.

- 70% of the people that watch the video download Heart Inside

- More than 30,000 businesses, both in Europa and the USA, are affiliated and collaborate actively in the campaign

- Every affiliated company has Heart Inside installed in all of their employees’ computers

- Estimated contribution per person/month is of 3€

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