Cannes Lions


adam&eveDDB, London / FRONTLINE19 / 2022


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
4 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






While some of us dare to imagine a world after Covid19, three million NHS and frontline workers carry it with them every day. So much so, 2 in 5 NHS frontline staff are now suffering from PTSD. That’s double the rate found in military veterans with recent combat experience.

The nation was craving a way to show our gratitude in a way that feels genuine and provide actual support for when they need it most. So we partnered with the charity Frontline19, who provide psychological support to NHS workers, to do just that.


On Emergency Services Day in September 2021, we launched Hopeline19. A national phone service for the public to leave a message of support, gratitude and love for those fighting to keep us safe. Anyone who needs it can call the line for free 24/7 to hear a randomised series of messages from the public.


Our audience were healthcare workers feeling the pressure of the frontline, therefore we needed a channel they could use when they were feeling their lowest. Knowing that most would call a loved one in times of crises, we decided to create an alternative of our own - a phone line of hope.

The film ran on TV, social and in cinemas, the consumer-facing print ran across national OOH and newspapers, and the NHS-facing print ran inside hospitals. The free phone line is live 24/7. The service was promoted on national talk shows and picked up by national press.


The film ran on TV, social and in cinemas, the consumer-facing print ran across national OOH and newspapers, and the NHS-facing print ran inside hospitals. The free phone line is live 24/7.

The line has been live constantly since September 2021. The campaign has witnessed three bursts: September 2021, December 2021, and March 2022.


Our objective was to ensure that all the nation’s frontline workers were aware of the line and knew how to use it. With 6000 calls/day and medical professionals sharing it on their social media, this objective was reached. 76,350 minutes of support have been delivered directly to NHS workers so far.

Total number of impressions reached 35,000,000 with zero media budget.

FRONTLINE19 is now the official support service for the government’s UK COVID-19 inquiry.

Emily Moorhouse, an A&E nurse, talked about her experience of using Hopeline19 in a BBC interview:

"I think because we've been made to feel so worthless recently, the Hopeline is just what nurses and doctors need at the moment. We need that uplift from the public. We need the public to be behind us because it helps massively. It helps keeps our spirits up."

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