Cannes Lions

Sicker Than The Patients

adam&eveDDB, London / FRONTLINE19 / 2024


1 Silver Cannes Lions
1 Bronze Cannes Lions
3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






The British public operates under the assumption that the NHS is an infallible institution that will continue to exist to provide free healthcare for all, indefinitely, as an unwavering right.

It is a cornerstone of British society. However, with over 50% of NHS workers suffering with mental

health issues and 1 in 4 experiencing suicidal thoughts, workers are on the brink.

The problem to be solved with this brief was therefore twofold:

We needed to raise awareness for this problem with the British public who are broadly unaware of

this issue in order to push this up the election agenda, and secondly, we needed to raise funds to continue to run programs and offer the free counseling that the frontline workers are in desperate need of.

This campaign aims to raise funds for Frontline19 to enable them to expand their resources and deliver training to more and more NHS workers.


We’d tried more existing tracks than we’d like to admit, before turning to a composer. Whilst many of the tracks we’d tried added great emotion, they also took something away from the authenticity of the film. Making it feel more like an ad. When the first composition came back, we quickly knew that this was the way to go. Its minimalism made the film more real and believable. Whilst the delicate but constant tone of real medical equipment added relevance and a feeling of place.

Sound design was also key, matching the quality of the audio with the low quality of the CCTV.

We kept everything minimal, trying not to add any untrue emotion to the scenes. Keeping everything raw allowed the awful reality of each scene to land in a way that didn’t feel forced, without us trying to tell people how they should feel about this.


With the objective of the campaign being twofold, firstly raising awareness for the mental health crisis within the NHS, and secondly, driving donations to provide ongoing support to NHS workers, we’ve already achieved both in the few short weeks that the campaign has been live.

Campaign reach depends entirely on organic media and pro-bono media inventory that is donated to this cause.

Following the film launch on the 9th of April 2024, Frontline19 experienced an online mention uplift of 14,662%.

Organic views of the film cumulatively exceeded 1.1 Million within the first 3 weeks of the campaign across Frontline19 owned pages and accounts sharing the film.

The Channel 4 partnership extended the campaign reach to an audience engaged with the NHS, to approximately 388,000.

With a year on year uplift in donations of 1548%, Frontline19 will be able to provide 2865 hours of life-saving therapy to thousands more NHS staff.

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