Cannes Lions

Humans 2.0








A bunch of people look into the camera and talk, unscripted, about money.

All kinds of people, in all types of financial situations — they all speak honestly about their financial lives. The boring parts, the confusing parts, the embarrassing parts. The stuff that might end up on the cutting room floor of another kind of interview. Someone admits to the giddiness she feels when she finds money in weird places in her house. Someone else talks about the anxiety of entering the workforce when the economy was in free-fall. In aggregate they represent the hopes and dreams and anxieties that are mostly hidden by people's aversion to talking openly about money.

And then, as the spot ends, the last subject wonders out loud, “If people were talking more openly about money it would be better, right?”.


The whole point here was to tell people that wealth shouldn't be sequestered. It should be open. To everyone. No matter where you came from or what you know about finance. With that in mind we cast a wide net to make these spots. We interviewed more than 400 people from every possible background, from the whole spectrum of net worth and financial experience. We also interviewed a subset of our own clients so they could explain how they view money to us. We were searching for authenticity and a diversity of voices — so every viewpoint, even those that wouldn't normally be represented in a commercial, were important. True humanity was paramount — which is why we didn't want actors. The point was to be able to feel, watching these spots, that you were not alone. From there we winnowed the subjects to thirty, whom we shot.

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