Cannes Lions

Hunger Innovations

BBDO , New York / MARS / 2016

Case Film
Presentation Image






Our campaign was inspired by the popular term “Hangry,” which is often used to describe a person who is so hungry that they’re angry. We used this device to coin a whole new set of words that could describe how people are feeling when afflicted by multiple hunger symptoms at once, such as “Angreepy” [Angry + Sleepy] and “Sulgar” [Sad + Vulgar]. Our line, “Hunger keeps inventing new problems, so we invented new Snickers Crisper,” communicated that this new Snickers bar was the solution for these new hunger pangs.


To help people cope with these new hunger problems, we created a line of original products designed to remedy multiple hunger symptoms at once and sold them through our very own online home shopping show. People could actually purchase these items on EBay at And you know what? People did. Within moments of launching the site, people were spending upwards of $89.99 for products such as the Punching Pillow, for when you’re “Angreepy” [Angry + Sleepy], and the Tissue Box/Swear Jar, for when you’re “Sulgar” [Sad + Vulgar]. What’s even more surprising is that people really wanted these products, despite being nothing more than a pillow attached to a punching bag and a tissue box combined with a typical glass jar.


-People actually spent upwards of $89.99 for the ridiculous products we sold on eBay––guess we underestimated the demand for Punching Pillows.

-We were able to get merchandise that embodies our brand story into the hands of our target and into their homes, where these items would serve as a constant reminder of our message.

-The Internet took the idea and ran with it. People got into the spirit of combining and creating their own words to describe their hunger symptoms on social media.

-Over 130 million impressions

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