Cannes Lions

If oranges could talk


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Case Film






There is a global concern regarding the sugar effects on people’s health and Colombia is not the exception to this situation. Daily, non-profit organizations (as Red PaPaz) fight against junk food, specially beverage industry which produces sugary drinks that may contribute to public health issues as obesity. The pressure generated by this kind of organizations has resonated at goverment which meant a lot of changes in food regulations as taxes and new labelling rules.

Besides this situacion, Frescampo orange juice used to be a private label which implied a bad reputation heritage and also its lower price cause a bias related to quality of the juice. With almost not budget and the task of communicate the differential value of the juice: being 100% natural, we needed an irrefutable voice that demystify a bottle fruit juice.


Colombian people don’t believe that a bottled juice could be a natural juice.

Colombia is a country with an incredible richness on fruits due its biodiversity and geography, so the people is expert in fruits because they grow up surrounded by all kind of them.

For this reason, when colombians thinks about natural juice, they imagine a basic formula: fruit + blender/squeezer = juice. This makes so difficult to perceive a bottled juice as a product made with 100% natural fruit. With this in mind, the brand had a big challenge: if we wanted to impact the people who purchase oranges to make juice themselves, how to make them feel the same confidence between a fresh orange and a bottle of Frescampo orange juice?


1. We found the perfect place at retail stores to communicate the value of being a 100% natural juice, the shelves of fresh fruits near to the fridges where is located Frescampo orange juice.

2. Then, we appropiate of all the oranges by printing our message directly on them: “Juices made 100% with fruits like this”, attracting the ones who most knows about organic juice, the ones who buy the fruit.

3. Finally, we made the amplification of our message through a content for social media, so everyone could knows our juice is truly a 100% natural..


At the end of the second semester of 2019, we got a sales increase of 17%, recovering the loss of 12% in the first semester and remaining 5% above the budget. This growth was mainly leveraged in the month of October, (the month in which the action began) the only one with double-digit growth during 2019 (21%).

Also, we reached a change of shopping behaviour because people that at first was looking for the fruit ended up buying our orange bottle juice.

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