Cannes Lions

Wrapped in History


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The International Women's Day was born after years of struggle and bravery of

women throughout history. It’s a day about gender equality, advocacy, action and

commemoration. However, somewhere along the road it became the “give a women a

flower’s day” instead.

That’s why every 8th of march, the flowers we have in our stores are completely sold out.

Something that doesn’t happen any other day of the year.

Moreover, in the last years, we have transformed our values into a gender equity so Women’s Day was the perfect moment to make our brand statement.

In the last years we have taken our vision of the company towards more equitable values that put the role of women as a priority in society. So, Women’s day was the perfect moment to show the whole country our brand statement.


On March 8th, before flowers sold out in our stores, we use the perfect media in which flowers are usually wrapped to bring back the true meaning of this day: newspaper.

We published a full double page in one of the most widely read newspapers in the country

where we commemorate through art illustrations and narrative columns the impact, the history and struggle of the most iconic women that has been a referent in politics, art, science, sports, music, and over all in the evolution and change of equity in the country.

This way, as a retail with stores in the whole country, we invite people to wrapped their flowers in this day with this page and inspire others to keep changing history.


On the day of the year when we sell bouquets the most, we wanted people to ask themselves: why do I really give flowers to a woman?

Women’s Day is to commemorate all the advances that the feminine gender has had, that is why we wanted to remember its true meaning and bring it to the public agenda.

When we ask ourselves how to do it, it all starts with a truth: everyone in the world buy the newspaper to read the news, but also, to use it informally to wrapped their flowers when in need.

This is why we literally use it to invite people to remember the true meaning of Women's Day.

Moreover, brands in the retail category, usually stand on this day with the typical message of “Happy Women’s Day” so we really wanted to make something different and valuable this year.


Once we chose the most iconic women in Colombian history, we illustrated them and created a timeline with their stories and achievements. We created a clear call to action that invited people to wrap the flowers in this double page and when we had everything together, we published 140,000 copies in one of the most widely read newspapers in the country: the ADN.

When published, we distributed it in our stores, in official ADN distribution points and it also reached the informal florists of the country. In addition, we send a bouquet of flowers wrapped in this page to the women honored in appreciation for changing the course of history. Creating this way, more organic content for the campaign.

For people who didn’t receive the newspaper that day, we created downloadable posters with the illustrations of each woman and we also published an entry on our blog with their stories.


-We reached florists, streets, stores and social networks.

-We published 140,000 doble pages in one of the most widely newspaper of the country.

-140,000 bouquets were wrapped in Women’s Day with our message.

-2,550,000 reached media impressions in social networks.

-500,000 organic impressions in social networks.

-We inspire more women to continue making history and to acknowledge those who represent the 8th of March value.

Sure, on Women’s Day flowers were given out. But this time they were


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