Cannes Lions

Intel Gamer Days: Opening Act

SUPERUNION, London / INTEL / 2022

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Gamer Days is Intel’s global annual sales event (think, Black Friday). For a 10-day period they offer exclusive savings across their product range, comprising some of the most innovative gaming tech on the market. However, despite the impressive savings and products available, gamers expect more from their favourite brands than simply being sold to.

Our brief was to reinvigorate Intel Gamer Days, elevating it to much more than 'just a sales event’, and launch it with a spectacular activation that would engage the gaming community and create a buzz around Gamer Days.


We turned Intel Gamer Days into a global festival of gaming and kicked off the event with a spectacular opening act featuring DrLupo and a 40-piece orchestra, playing live, adapting in real-time to DrLupo’s Destiny 2 gameplay.

We worked with prominent gaming influencer DrLupo, who’s renowned for his passion of gaming, streaming and music, and challenged a composer and a 40-piece orchestra to synchronise music to live Destiny 2 gameplay, adapting in real-time with Dr.Lupo’s every twist and turn in-game.

Music collective Mercury Soul were recruited to form the orchestra, comprised of members from the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.

The game Destiny 2 was chosen due of its truly epic and powerful music score, and personal significance to DrLupo. DrLupo is famous in the gaming community for his charitable acts in Destiny, helping gamers reach the prestigious ‘Lighthouse’, a feat very few gamers have achieved.


For years, Gamer Days had been known primarily as a sales event, with a sole emphasis on deals, discounts and savings. However, we saw a larger opportunity – to elevate Gamer Days from 10 days of deals, to the world’s largest festival of gaming. Taking inspiration from the world of music, we created a line-up of activities to keep gamers coming back for more, thereby promoting discovery, rather than simply engaging in one-off transactions. And every line-up needs an epic opening act.


Following a series of teasers and a cryptic livestream rehearsal that left fans guessing what was happening, the day of the opening act arrived. DrLupo confidently strode through the middle of the 40-piece orchestra in a Gamers Days branded arena, onto stage and beneath giant screens, where he proceeded to play Destiny 2 in real-time. Through a painstaking composition of the music score and a thorough rehearsal process, the orchestra were primed to adapt to the ebbs and flows of the game – resetting every time DrLupo died, and following him on his gaming journey. Powerful and emotive, the music struck at the heart of the audience, absorbing them into this unique and memorable gaming experience. Following this, DrLupo invited his fans to a watch party, where he played the video of the epic orchestral gameplay performance – commentating on his favourite moments and answering fans questions about it along


The response from the global gaming community was incredible. There was strong engagement with the new approach to launching Intel Gamer Days, with audiences creating a real buzz around the event (with lots of positive comments in chat showing true appreciation for both DrLupo and Intel in treating them to this unique gaming entertainment) and helping to drive a significant uplift in sales over the 10-day event period.

Intel Gamer Days: The Opening Act helped Intel

• Opening act, in conjunction with a wider program of activity, gave Intel a reach of 65 million gamers over the course of the 10-day sales event

• 550K video/live stream views

• Opening act helped increase sales by 45% as part of wider activity in the US.

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