Cannes Lions

Is It Still A Big Mac?

COSSETTE, Toronto / MCDONALD'S / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






Instead of trying to push the new Bacon Big Mac on Big Mac purists, we did something else. We questioned it. By asking “Is a Big Mac with bacon still a Big Mac?”, we got people arguing over the world’s most iconic burger.


As the Big Mac was a product known by most, we were able to bypass the typical requirements for new products and jump right into our campaign idea that questioned the validity of this new Big Mac. We used every platform within our buy to question this new product. Slews of existential questions supported this idea and were posed to consumers to drive this query while making them rethink their stance (e.g. is a tricycle still a bicycle?). We launched with a one minute online video, along with :30 and :15 TVCs, that featured two friends arguing whether a Big Mac with bacon is still a Big Mac. This launch was supported by a YouTube masthead that prompted users to vote on whether the Big Mac Bacon was true to its name. All platforms drove consumers to a website to cast their vote.


- 700 million impressions

- YouTube masthead broke an engagement record with 32 million interactions in one day

- Over 330,000 votes tallied

- Social mentions up by 188% in the first two days of the campaign

- 37%+ sales in Big Mac Bacon than forecasted

- 14%+ sales in Big Mac than forecasted

- The campaign generated a noticeable brand lift in terms of likelihood to visit McDonald's (+14%)

- TV ads generated the highest recognition (47%) and along with social media generated the strongest brand list among all channels (+14%)

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