Cannes Lions


MEKANISM, San Francisco / THE WHITE HOUSE / 2015

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"It’s On Us" is a rallying cry, inviting everyone to step up and find a solution to end sexual assault on college campuses. It seeks to re-frame the conversation surrounding sexual assault in a way that inspires everyone take responsibility to do something, big or small, to help prevent it.

We created the “It’s On Us” brand, concept, logo and architecture. We launched with a PSA that was the #1 on YouTube with over 10 million views. Celebrities and athletes like Jon Hamm, Kerry Washington and Questlove. We have created two twitter trending topics with 2 billion in total impressions.

All Press elements led to our website, where anyone can take the pledge to stand against sexual assault. Once the pledge is taken, the user’s profile turns into a viral badge. "It’s On Us" also provides organizing tools for campuses and communities that inform and educate about sexual assault. Thousands of universities have taken the pledge, ordered our t-shirts and created their own PSAs.

President Obama launched the campaign at a press conference at The White House with top-tier press including The USA Today, The Today Show, The New York Times and thousands of online publications.


We created the “It’s On Us” brand, concept, logo and architecture. We launched with a PSA that was the #1 video on YouTube. Celebrities and athletes tweeted to more than 33 million followers on Twitter, and reached millions more through Facebook and Instagram. We have created two twitter trending topics and have over 2 billion in total impressions.

All elements led to our website, where anyone can take the pledge to stand against sexual assault. Once the pledge is taken, the user’s profile turns into a viral badge that promotes the campaign. "It’s On Us" also provides organizing tools for campuses and communities that inform and educate about sexual assault and a turnkey social media toolkit, providing a viral badge that can be layered into profile photos to promote the campaign. Thousands of universities have taken the pledge, ordered our t-shirts and created their own PSAs featuring campus leaders.


Overall PR impressions were exceptional, totaling over 34,037,197 UMVs. The PSA received 9,013,321 views and was ranked the #1 most popular video on YouTube (September 20-21, 2015). Catalyzed by unparalleled PR efforts and married with social reach counts – Facebook at 1.85 million and Twitter at over 497.9 million - the campaign’s total impressions exceeded two billion. All done without any paid media.

The campaign’s press visibility and heightened national awareness translated activism to action, spurring increased pledges and participation around the effort.

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