Cannes Lions

It's Up to You

SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Los Angeles / AD COUNCIL / 2022

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






There’s a lot of skepticism and misinformation floating around about the COVID-19 vaccine. Ad Council tasked us with creating a campaign that helps parents feel more comfortable with the idea of vaccinating their children, by encouraging them to seek the information they need to make informed decisions. Since the pandemic, kids’ lives have been put on hold. They’ve missed out on all the usual face-to-face interaction, relationship building, ordinary rites of passage and other memorable moments. We had to empathize and connect with parents over their desire to see their kids getting back together, out in the world and thriving again.


Our campaign depicts happy moments, scenes of kids connecting and making memories together, across video, print, OOH, audio, digital and social. But in various ways, we show these moments being interrupted, and kids being separated. A video freezes, a fun song powers down, friends are torn apart in print. These visual devices communicated how kids’ lives have been interrupted by COVID-19. In each execution, we communicated how parents can get their kids back together and back to thriving by getting the latest facts about the COVID-19 vaccine.


The pandemic has put kids’ lives on hold. Parents just want them to get back to normal life and see each other again. This campaign aims to help parents feel more comfortable with the idea of vaccinating their children against COVID-19, by encouraging them to seek up-to-date information from trustworthy sources. This way, their kids can get back to living their lives fully and safely.


To communicate all this, our executions depict emotional moments being experienced and shared by children. But in each execution, we show each of these moments getting disrupted in some way, and kids being separated from each other. A video freezes, a fun song powers down, friends are torn apart in print. These creative devices communicated how kids’ lives have been interrupted by COVID-19, and how parents can help “resume” these moments and bring their kids back together by getting the latest facts on the vaccine and protecting their kids from COVID-19.


Broadcast/Local/Network TV:

136.6M Impressions

Cross Media Reach/Frequency 75%/26.0+

Digital and Programmatic:

121.6M Impressions

Social Media – organic and paid

60.3M Impressions

Print & OOH:

155.3M Impressions


$72K in media support

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