Cannes Lions

#ItStartsOnTikTok (#TikTokTreats)

TIKTOK, Culver City / TIKTOK / 2021

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As part of its first-ever brand campaign, TikTok identified thriving categories on its platform to bring to life and celebrate in new and creative ways. During this diligence phase, a supertrend was discovered which resonated with an active community that rallied around ‘foodie culture’: user-generated food creations. Which made perfect sense -- locked at home during quarantine, many users began experimenting with and inventing new food combinations and sharing their creations across the platform to astounding levels of popularity. These videos served as a way for users to connect through their shared passion for food while they were unable to go to restaurants like they normally would. TikTok saw an opportunity to run with the idea: executed in partnership with Postmates, the goal of #TikTokTreats was to provide a creative, COVID-safe solution to a meaningful, tangible -- and delicious -- interactive experience that brought the TikTok brand to life.


#TikTokTreats was creatively rooted in the umbrella campaign for the platform, #ItStartsOnTikTok, serving as a way for the brand to have a meaningful interaction with its users.

As COVID hit and people were cooped up at home, TikTok noticed a supertrend developing on the platform: user-generated food creations. With this insight, the idea for #TikTokTreats took shape, aiming to bring these novel trending foods-- like Cloud Bread, Pancake Cereal, and Whipped Coffee --from platform to real life.

Naturally, the idea lends itself to an experiential activation, but due to the pandemic, a ‘traditional’ tasting experience would be nearly impossible to achieve. ‘Nearly’ being the operative word -- because the creative solution presented itself via strategic partnership with on-demand food delivery service Postmates, who was able to animate the idea in Los Angeles with their COVID-safe contactless delivery system and through select local restaurants that were available exclusively on Postmates.


For this campaign, TikTok broadened the demographic to target self proclaimed ‘foodies’ of all ages in the greater Los Angeles area that wanted to try new foods they were exposed to on the platform.

To bring these virtual cravings into the real world, TikTok partnered with Postmates to create a new, custom delivery menu called #TikTokTreats. The local restaurant community in Los Angeles was then enlisted to put their spin on these popular, delectable dishes, with proceeds going back to the restaurant owners.

Practically speaking, the strategy for #TikTokTreats hinged on the ability for media and creative disciplines -- and partners -- to coordinate with extreme precision.

On the campaign side, the #TikTokTreats hashtag worked to create a perpetual content loop in which on-platform earned media (e.g., reaction videos, reviews, and unboxings published with the #TikTokTreats hashtag) would spark a self-propelling cycle of content generation and continued interest.


After identifying the top foods trending on the platform, TikTok developed a bespoke delivery menu of #TikTokTreats, including Cloud Bread, Pancake Cereal, Whipped Coffee, and exciting, whimsical Bento Box creations. Postmates then sourced local restaurant vendors that could pull off making the viral recipes. Over the course of just under a month, from end of October to mid November, foodies across Los Angeles could receive these items, delivered straight to their doorstep thanks to Postmates’ COVID-safe contactless delivery system.

The campaign program included custom media purchased with local radio stations (e.g. DJ's trying food on-air, posting content), engaging influencers to participate (e.g. Postmates leveraged their network of creators), and unique media buys were executed on WeTransfer, Spotify, and Apple News. As well, Postmates provided additional support through in-app advertising via pop ups and banners, and dedicated emails.


True to strategy, perpetual content generation ensued as people posted their reactions to receiving -- and chowing down on -- #TikTokTreats, which stimulated and sustained campaign interest in a completely organic way.

With over 450 million impressions and counting, the results of the campaign were almost as amazing as Pancake Cereal itself. Almost. As well, part of the magic of this particular campaign was that it attracted both existing TikTok users and non-users alike.

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