Cannes Lions




2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Content
Case Film






The Jamaica Tourist Board promotes this beautiful destination in the U.S. market, with a small advertising budget in a highly competitive landscape. When the Jamaica Bobsled Team qualified for the winter Olympics after 12 years, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to leverage this event to remind to the audience of the unique spirit and vibe of this island.

The problem: Jamaica Tourist Board was not an official sponsor, and any communication directly referencing the Olympics is regulated by the IOC.

Solution: The Bobsled Song. It was written to sync the length and shapes of the race track that our team would have to run. To promote it, we had to find another creative solution to the fact that using footage from our runners was forbidden. An 8-bit animation video accompanied the catchy tune. The video was housed on YouTube, and the song was downloadable from the landing page, which provided instruction on pressing play exactly when the live Olympic race started to see how the song actually synced with the track. Digital banners, social media and PR were used to drive awareness and promote the song.

The result? 1,200,000+ YouTube views, 33,500,000+ media impressions, $20,000,000+ in unpaid media, 30,000+ song downloads on the landing page. A 2,500% ROI. Mashable Top 10 inspiring Sochi Moments. Primetime coverage during NBC’s live Olympic newscast, coverage on Good Morning America, The Today Show, and almost every major U.S. news network.


“The Bobsled Song,” a catchy island groove that syncs perfectly with the twists and turns of Sochi’s track, was set to an 8-bit animated video emphasizing the Jamaican vibe. Consumers were instructed to download the song to play while watching the live Bobsled race. Digital banners, Facebook Ads, Facebook posts on Jamaica’s page, Twitter posts and Instagram were used to capture engagement and drive consumers to download the song from the landing page


30,000+ downloads.

1,200,000+ YouTube views in 2 days.

33,500,000+ media impressions.

$20,000,000+ in earned media.

A 2,500% ROI.

Opening story on Good Morning America.

A 90 sec. story on Associated Press that ran globally.

Coverage by ABC, Buzzfeed, Fox Sports, Mirror Sports, Sports Illustrated, Time, USA Today and hundreds more.

Mashable Top 10 Most Inspiring Sochi Moments. NBC’s live Olympic newscast synced The Bobsled Song with actual footage of the Jamaica team race during its primetime coverage. As immigration in Jamaica has a substantial lag time in quantifying arrivals, we cannot report the impact on increasing visitorship at this time.

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