Cannes Lions

Kids Falling

CLARO, San Jose / CLARO / 2024

Digital Proof JPG
Digital Proof JPG
Digital Proof JPG






Claro was just positioning itself with a new communication strategy to differentiate itself from the competition. How could we stand out in an industry where price and offers are always the protagonists? By connecting with people through humor.

In a context where all telecommunications brands are saying that you should always be connected, we say the opposite. Just like driving a car, being a parent requires the same level of concentration and concern, so it is necessary for a moment to put the cell phone aside and worry about the most important thing in your life, your children.

For this reason, we demonstrate in a fun way, that sometimes you need to leave your cell phone aside. This way we reach people through a real insight and at the same time we manage to communicate our new brand values: Connect with the people we care about.


This campaign has demonstrated a significant impact on the digital audience, effectively addressing concerns about responsible phone use while caring for children.

The campaign reached a broad audience, with a total of 1,242,962 impressions on Facebook and Instagram. This figure reflects deep penetration among the target audience, generating massive exposure to the campaign message. A high level of audience engagement was observed, evidenced by the high number of interactions with the campaign content, including comments, shares, and likes. This active engagement indicates a positive reception and emotional connection with the message.

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