Spikes Asia

Lifebuoy A.I Defence System

PHD SINGAPORE, Singapore / UNILEVER / 2017

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Case Film






Over the last 7 years 2 million people have lost their lives due to global pandemic outbreaks [Source: World Health Organization].

A large proportion of these were children in developing countries across Asia.

Brutally put, mothers are losing the war against infection.

Lifebuoy knew that they had to find a better way to be actively present during ‘infection moments’ with preventive information, if they were to deliver on their mission to keep mothers “one step ahead”.

The objectives were to improve brand awareness and get this life-saving product into as many mothers’ hands as possible to prevent major outbreaks.


Lifebuoy A.I. Defence System© execution approach

- Drive specific and localized messages on Search, Video and Display, related to infection outbreaks ONLY when search volume for relevant search terms was peaking

- Move away from typical re-active approaches when responding to outbreaks

Lifebuoy A.I. Defence System’s© automated nature ensures first mover advantage and provides vital information when most needed. Only an A.I. could outsmart an outbreak and redefine what it means to be 'always on'. We built it.

Execution journey

- The Lifebuoy A.I. Defence System© was set up and activated across multiple Asian countries in 2016 and 2017

- Local keywords and messages crafted to ensure ads resonated with mothers

- On 9th May 2016 (Karnataka, India) and 3rd July 2017 (Mumbai & Chennai, India), peaks in bird and swine flu search terms were spotted by the system. Lifebuoy A.I. Defence System© immediately pushed relevant ads on infection prevention to searchers

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