Cannes Lions

Love Indonesia

UNILEVER ASIA, Singapore / UNILEVER / 2018

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Using a cultural symbol to connect and unify Indonesians

Batik, its root words ‘amba’ and ‘tik’ mean ‘to draw’ (amba) and ‘dots’ (tik), represents the idea of connections and togetherness. If batik forms the fabric of the nation, Pepsodent is her smile. With this discovery, Pepsodent anchored the whole campaign on this heritage to meaningfully engage with Indonesians.

We donned the batik prints from Indonesia’s three largest islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Java - Strength & Courage,

Sumatra - Generosity & Manners,

Kalimantan - Persistency & Resilience.


Distribution strategy in 2 phases from July to August 2017, sharing values across Indonesia. The common goal: We are more similar than different.

Phase 1: Widespread reflection of Indonesia’s enduring and unifying smile

• PR: Timely pitching of media to spread the news around the limited-edition batik toothpaste packs

• Out-of-home Visibility: Invested in 55 Pepsodent billboards

• TV Coverage: TVC was developed to prompt national reflection

• Digital Amplification: A “Smilefies” activation competition

• Social Media: Raised awareness for packaging through 16 KOLs

Phase 2: Emotionally engaging consumers on ‘Senyum Satu Indonesia’

• On-ground Activation: Projected 3D video-mapping at Museum Fatahillah

• YouTube: Top-of-mind recall among Indonesians leading up to Independence Day

• e-Commerce: Excitement for online buyers, offering special packaging in 150 stores and 5 big online retailers

• In-store: Floor displays with Pepsodent representatives in over 1,500 stores

• School engagement: Partnership with convenience store chain Indomaret


Our results met the objectives for the campaign, which brought all Indonesians closer to one another on independence day and effectively drove brand growth.

Objective 1: We improved Pepsodent’s standing

As a brand with almost 80% market share, sales growth was an impressive feat.

• Brand love

- Brand mention increased by 66%, giving the brand a buzz in H2’2017

- Comments to #SenyumSatuIndonesia-related posts on Facebook mainly focused on expressing love for the brand

- Experienced +200bps increase in market share from July 2017 to August 2017, as well as +91bps for anti-cavity toothpaste

Objective 2: We impacted and unified a wide range of consumers

We used Pepsodent that entered Indonesian households as a communications channel, reminding them of their shared sense of community and what it meant to be Indonesian.

• Reach and impressions

- 1,315,513 impressions in August, 6x Dove Hair’s campaign during the same timeframe

Objective 3: We connected meaningfully with Indonesians

Our multi-channel approach culminated in Pepsodent co-branding Independence Day celebrations at Museum Fatahillah.

• Independence Day event results

- 1,576,900 estimated exposure

- 1,581 #SenyumSatuIndonesia Instagram posts

• PR Results

- Generated over IDR 4.8billion in PR value

- 1,249,698 total engagement on Facebook posts expressing brand love

- 23,039,700 estimated exposure on Instagram from KOL unboxing

• Digital results

- Best digital results in Indonesia in August. Bumper ads received 97% completed view rate, higher than Dove Shampoo’s in the same month

- 3,626,023 ad impressions, more than double Dove Shampoo’s

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