Cannes Lions

Merry Little Cars

OGILVY MADRID, Madrid / FORD / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






Crisis in Spain has made Christmas less joyful for employees and families. Ford wanted to lift spirits doing what they do best: cars. But not the usual ones.

Therefore, for one day, the Ford factory in Valencia (Spain) we stopped assembling the usual range of cars to produce different ones: toy cars.

Small cars for a big reason: the production of the day was given to children’s charities around Spain for Christmas.


Working with small budget, we´ve had find the right pieces to bring the action together. Firs we´ve launched an internal invitation for employees to participate. We´ve set the date and brought pieces of toys so we could build it, using elements from the factory such as paint, machines, tools.

During the entire day, the employee participation on the action was shot, generating enough material to create a video that would spread christmas cheer internally.

The second step was to bring the result of that day of production to children´s charities organizations. We have contacted many, and set one day to deliver the toy cars. Again, hundreds of Ford employees have volunteered to participate.

We´ve then launched the video first internally, then on Social media and it finally got organic PR by it self, becoming the christmas greetings for the brand not only in Spain, but in Europe.


The initiative was covered by more than 40 newspapers and TV channels in Spain.

95% positive mentions on Social Media; 

The video became the Ford Christmas greeting to employees and final consumers in all Europe.

95% positive sentiment: the highest attained by the brand, motivated both by the modesty of the initiative itself, and the employees and company’s commitment to the community.

All the employees feel proud and more connected to Ford, tanto los que participaron de la idea como los que simplemente la compartieron.

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