Cannes Lions

Microsoft Devices: Launching a Web Experience

POSSIBLE, Los Angeles / MICROSOFT / 2016

Case Film
Presentation Image






Responsive, sleek design. Immersive and engaging photography. Microsoft told a story that connected with their audience in a deeper way, showcasing the life-changing impact these products could have. In a mere three months, Microsoft designed, built, created content for, and simultaneously launched five complex product websites. By creating a unified web experience crafted from rich, surprising interactions, they could make people feel like they were experiencing the device. Authentic product photography and responsive design helped people touch, feel and understand the products in a new light, heralding a bold promise: Microsoft makes the best tools, whether they’re software or hardware, for people who want to do great things.


Microsoft had to deconstruct to reconstruct the entire online experience, ultimately bringing their new products to life. From information architecture to all new content presentation, the sites were redesigned with emphasis on structural and presentational consistency. For a premium storytelling experience, they balanced benefit-driven lifestyle imagery with product features. On each product page, the hero image included an interactive 360-degree product video where users could grab the device and spin it to inspect it. They did this for five unique products, three major launches, and an online experience to support the high-profile announcement itself.

Each of the sites was designed to be fully responsive. The Windows 10 event hub also included a live broadcast of the event and a real-time news feed. All told, the world-wide launch consisted of 1000s of pages, published in over 60 languages.


Through their unified experience, Microsoft generated massive engagement. And Satya Nadella’s announcement, supported by the devices websites, was lauded as a transformative moment for Microsoft, and the first step toward a bright future for the brand, with media coverage from publications like The Verge, TechCrunch, Engadget and more. Positive Brand Social sentiment increased by 42%, in the week of the event 23% uplift in time per usage, 80% higher click-to-store conversion for pro model. A more experience-focused hero empowered the product showcased below it, increasing click-through by 80%. 1 out of 4 customers visiting the Surface Product Pages wanted to experience the product using the rotator.

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