Cannes Lions
DDB, Milan / MIBAC / 2010
This insight was described with a strong and provocative message: show some of Italy's most famous monuments literally being carried away from a country which clearly is unable to appreciate them.The message is summarised in a clearly provocative admonishment: "If you don't visit it, we'll take it away".he campaign was launched aiming to let Italians really think that many of the most important monuments were about to be brought abroad.In the first place the use of guerrilla allowed to generate buzz around the initiative. In agreement with the Ministry, we organised a fake press conference where it was announced that some Italian monuments would be moved and sent abroad.We put fake scaffolds near important monuments, together with some tow cars and barriers, and we hanged a warning communicating that these monuments would be carried away from Italy.In the second place we revealed the real objective of all this with a print, outdoor, radio and TV campaign.
The Ministry achieved a lot of visibility and its awareness grew a lot. The campaign had an immediate media impact, with strong interest from the main national newspapers and radio stations.
A lot of word of mouth and rumours were generated on the Internet and lots of comments and reactions were posted on the Ministry Facebook page.
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