Cannes Lions

Modern Love


Presentation Image






The YOGA 910 is a high-tech, ultra flexible product designed to make your work and creative life simpler. So our idea was to put this concept of flexibility at the heart of our storyline and to express everything in its simplest form:

We embraced the real-life quality of the set design to render the screen’s life-like 4K resolution and contrasted it with real-life pixelated elements.

To show how Lenovo’s technology fits seamlessly into your life, we used black-on-black puppeteers who literally faded into the background.

To express our product flexibility and fluidity of use, we built our film in a single shot with smooth transitions performed by the incredible puppeteers.

To reach our multiple markets, we chose to create a non-verbal performance, relying only on gestures, and used one simple emotion—love—as our universal language. And we used social references (emojis, facebook) that would speak to anyone.


This film is part of a two-execution project for the launch of two products: Yoga Book and Yoga 910.  Our film was built as an online film, without any restriction of length.  As this film was created to support the Yoga 910 launch internationally, it aired on Lenovo’s social platforms (YouTube, Facebook) in all of the brand’s markets (USA, Europe, Asia) and has been live since October 2016.


This film achieved its mission of bringing to life the new brand campaign "Different is Better" in a unique and unexpected way.  We made people understand what different is better really means by revisiting a 200-year-old Japanese puppetry technique to introduce Lenovo’s latest technology.

We managed to meet the challenge of communicating about the product’s flexibility and 4K resolution through an online video, and turned a complicated technology features into a simple, entertaining story. We showed how Lenovo has broken down the barrier between technology and design by re-thinking the tablet and making it more fluid.


Our film has only reached 186,570 views but without the use of any media buy and has succeeded in carrying its message to our international audience thanks to a simple storytelling based on gestures, vibrant visuals and emotions. 

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