Cannes Lions

Nation on Trial

MILK AGENCY, Vilnius / RED CROSS / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






How do you educate someone who’s indifferent towards the subject? You sue them for being indifferent. Or for failing to render assistance causing death, to be precise. It’s like passing by a car accident and not stopping to help. Lithuanians are liable for turning a blind eye onto human suffering at the border of the EU. In the age of might social media no one could avoid seeing the body of a 3 yo Alan Kurdi. We knew of the crisis, yet we did not exercise our civic rights: we did not write to the governor or take to the streets demanding appropriate actions that could stop the tragedy.

Yes, a serious accusation like that could enrage people, but it would certainly leave no room for indifference. A mock trial would be both a perfect attention grabber and a good platform for constructive discussion of the issue.


It all started with flyers that looked like subpoenas. The first people to be served were celebrities. After presenting our case most of them agreed to post their "invitations" online. In a matter of hours the case made headlines on news portals.

A website and a Facebook event were launched. Subpoenas were distributed on the streets and the event was promoted on radio.

In cooperation with professional lawyers we prepared the case for the mock trial. Politicians, journalists, economists, sociologists and refugees were invited as witnesses.

On the big day the court room was full. The hearing was broadcasted live on the biggest news portal in Lithuania. Finally, after long discussions the jury passed the verdict: Lithuanians are indirectly guilty for their inaction and should sign a petition that would demand our governor to take a stronger stance in Brussels.

After that a short documentary was released and distributed online.


The case got the publicity: we reached more than 300 thousand people with earned media alone, the biggest news portal covered the story and even the former president of Lithuania, Valdas Adamkus, has joined the cause.

The engagement was also unexpectedly high: more than 300 people attended the mock trial event and have spent almost three hours on Saturday discussing the issue. More than 2300 people have watched the event live.

Although Red Cross being an underfunded NGO did not measure attitudes prior and post the campaign, indifferent Lithuania was no more. Sadly, right after the event Paris happened, and then Brussels. And although many muslims from around the world posted #notinmyname, in the eye of an average Lithuanian the asylum seeker became a threat. Obviously the case will have to be taken to a much higher court.

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