Cannes Lions

Nike Training Club Live

WIEDEN+KENNEDY, London / NIKE / 2019


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
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Nike briefed us to get young people across Europe hooked on training.

Training was becoming polarising. On the one hand, you had people working out for several hours every day just to get the perfect Instagram bod. And on the other hand were people who were intimidated by training and thought it was just not for them.

Our campaign set out to reaffirm the Nike values at the core of the company - if you’ve got a body, you are an athlete.

We set out to demystify training and make it accessible and approachable to all, no matter what level of experience you were - from elite athlete to absolute beginner.


An Instagram Live series where we live streamed a workout at the same time, every day, for thirty days in a row.

We made the workouts as simple as possible - the only equipment you needed to take part was your phone. The trainers stressed the importance of a healthy, holistic approach to training, including mindfulness, rest, recovery and nutrition.

To make the live shows unmissable, each workout featured a different world-class Nike athlete (including professional footballers, basketballers, paralympic athletes, wrestlers, dancers, boxers and more) training with a Nike Master Trainer. Each of these athletes encouraged their own Instagram followers to take part, meaning we reached a new audience with every single broadcast.

Beyond the liveshows, we created multiple campaign assets including promoted Instagram Stories, GIPHY sticker packs, swipe ups, polls, Q&As, influencer posts and IGTV.


Our target audience are engaged enough to go to the gym in January, but not engaged enough to keep going in February and beyond.

The research we conducted showed that these habits were replicated in how they used social media, particularly Instagram. Their initial enthusiasm meant they followed fitness accounts like @NikeTraining and many of the athletes we worked with. But as time went on, their enthusiasm decreased. Meaning we already had access to our ideal audience, we just had to find a way of activating them.

Our biggest competitor was their phone.

We knew we were never going to get them off Instagram.

So instead of trying to divert them away from social media, we embraced it.

We used Instagram to show them how easy it is to do a quick workout every day in a way that will fit into their lives.


We disrupted people’s time-wasting behaviour on Instagram with promoted posts which ran both as Stories and in Feed.

These posts ran one week before the live workouts began on September 23rd. The Instagram Live shows then went out every single day without fail for 30 days, despite the logistical challenge of taking place in 10 different locations in 6 countries.

During that 30 day period, we supported the liveshows with all the other campaign assets - the GIPHY sticker pack, workout schedules, polls, Q&As, swipe ups as well as posts from each of the 30 athletes on their own channels.

The viewers had a 24-hour window to watch each live show on Instagram.

If you missed the live 30-day event, you could catch up with the best 8 workouts on IGTV - the brand new long-form platform from Instagram.

In all, we created over 200 unique assets for the campaign.


7 million engaged consumers.

229 million gif views on GIPHY.

15% increase in active Nike Training Club users.

360,000 new Nike Training Club users

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