Cannes Lions

No Matter What

EXPEDIA, Seattle / EXPEDIA / 2024

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In 2022, Expedia launched its new global brand campaign reminding travelers that experiences matter more than things and Expedia enables them to confidently experience more because they are Made to Travel. But with consumers facing a double whammy of growing expenses and an increasingly disrupted travel landscape post-COVID, our audience was unsurprisingly feeling less sure of travel than usual.

The imperative was to refresh the 'Made To Travel' platform to build a deeper emotional connection with our audience by instilling them with the confidence to travel and reassuring them that Expedia would be there to support their journey with helpful products including price drop protection and price tracking, as well as more efficient ways to shop and save.

Our goal was to create brand distinction and drive consideration through these emotional levers by breaking down consumers' barriers, making Expedia's known as the travel experts that instill confidence in travellers.


For this phase of the Made to Travel campaign, Expedia created an outdoor campaign that was displayed in transport hubs and around city centers–bringing motivating headlines into their audience’s regular routine.

The writers crafted hundreds of insightful headlines that empathized with the adventurous spirit that lives inside us all, exploring the things that curious humans were born to do. They ranged from humorous (You were made to visit an island that’s not in your kitchen) to adventurous (You were made to find the ends of the earth), reminding daily commuters of all the experiences that the world has to offer.

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