Cannes Lions

Obvious Password

VML, Montevideo / SANTANDER / 2024

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Case Film
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The available data is compelling regarding the growth of cyber scams globally. According to a Deloitte study, 91% of passwords are vulnerable. Another study indicates that by 2023, cyber scams ranked as the third economy in the world, behind the United States and China. Meanwhile, Phishing in Latin America has increased 6 times over the past year.

For February 6, International Safe Internet Day, Banco Santander asked us for an idea that would exemplify the bank's commitment to cybersecurity, raise awareness about the issue, and invite its customers to enter the bank's website to get information on how to protect their digital identity.


We intervened the marquees of the main branches of the country, "hiding" the Bank's name to turn it into a very obvious password. That is, for an entire day, Santander became *********. This did not go unnoticed by customers, pedestrians, social networks, or the media. Although the Bank's name could not be seen, everyone saw its message about cybersecurity.


The strategy was to identify a relevant day to surprise customers, media, and the general community, through a change in the marquees of the main branches of the country. That day was International Safe Internet Day, and we managed to get an idea that was born, literally, in the Bank, soon expanded to social networks, radio, and TV; but above all to the Santander website where more information about cybersecurity could be obtained.


Together with the client, we defined which were the most representative branches throughout the country, to capture the attention of as many people as possible. The corresponding measures were taken for each marquee of each branch, with a deadline of February 6, 2024, International Safe Internet Day.

On that morning, the installation was carried out simultaneously in different cities, so that on February 6 the branches would wake up with our campaign: Obvious Password.

24 hours were enough for the topic to be on the street and, from there, it expanded to social networks, radio, and television. But, above all, people came to our website where they awaited tips for the correct protection of digital identity.


The "Obvious Password" campaign generated significant engagement and positive results:

• The campaign quickly caught the attention of customers, passers-by, media, and the general community, leading to increased time spent with the brand.

• The initiative sparked widespread conversations about cybersecurity, as evidenced by the number of interactions and comments on social media platforms.

• On our owned media, specifically the Santander website, we saw an 72% increase in traffic during the day of the campaign. This demonstrated a high level of engagement and interest in learning more about protecting digital identity.

• In terms of earned media, the campaign achieved coverage worth over USD 350,000, significantly amplifying our message.

• The campaign reinforced consumer loyalty by demonstrating Banco Santander's commitment to their security.

• Brand perception was positively impacted, with Banco Santander being recognized for its innovative approach to raising awareness about a critical issue like cybersecurity.

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