Cannes Lions

One Tree, One Voice


Presentation Image
Case Film






Our major challenge was the difficulty in making people aware and engaging them emotionally in social and environmental problems not close to them. It was no different with deforestation: since a large part of the Brazilian population lives in big cities, the Amazon forest is a distant reality for many of them. We also had to make combating deforestation simple and democratic, decreasing barriers to engagement and facilitating participation. Our solution was literally to humanize trees, giving them a face and a voice. By personifying them, we would be able to bring people closer to the problem, explaining this relationship of coexistence between human beings and their environment, and building a bridge between two such different but interconnected worlds. At the same time, the creative idea enabled people to feel responsible for combating deforestation by establishing a direct link between each digital action and protecting the trees.


In order to bring people closer to the deforestation cause, we decided, in our campaign, to invite an ambassador,who would personify the tree. Using influencer tools, we chose Didi Wagner, an online influencer and TV presenter engaged in social and environmental activities. She would be the link connecting the common citizen with the cause. Together with Didi, we chose a pool of digital influencers aligned with environmental issues in order to amplify the campaign. With partners, we implemented the technological part (projections) and the content of the project (films). Jointly with Unilever, we decided that Twitter would be the partnering social network to test new call to action tools. The invitation film was launched in Twitter on Environmental Week. At the end of June, we projected the messages received into the trees of Ibirapuera Park. In July we launched a second film, presenting the whole story.


We impacted over 30 million people on Twitter alone, both via posts on the brand's channels and engagement of the influencers and their followers. People responded with high levels of engagement, supplying hundreds of thousands of phrases about their memories of trees, which were projected into the trees of the most famous park of São Paulo – Ibirapuera. The films reached 11 million people (44% above target), provoking over 4 million interactions with the content. The campaign also got special attention from the press and influencers, with more than 80 articles and posts in social networks, as well as major Brazilian media such as Folha de São Paulo, CBN, Catraca Livre and Meio e Mensagem. High profile influencers and journalists such as Rosana Jatobá, Monica Waldvogel, Gilberto Dimenstein and others engaged in the cause spontaneously. Earned media for the brand was over US$ 1 million, 8 times the investment. But the most important result was among consumers. A survey showed nearly 100% positive feedback about the campaign, with high rates of comprehension of the message and awareness for the corporate brand. Above all, with the help of our consumers and the partnership with WWF, we managed to protect trees in the Rainforest, bringing together a growing community of Brazilians who believe it is possible to build a world where everyone can have a better, more sustainable life, without compromising the future of our planet.

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