Cannes Lions


BEING, Boulogne-Billancourt / DEEZER / 2013

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Supporting Images
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The challenge was to build a new music experience by giving more depth and meaning to the brand

Three key objectives:

Install a brand positioning

Increase brand awareness

Build brand preference


Pop Levi’s track « Wannamama » (White Arc Dub) has been specially remixed for the spot soundtrack.

Since the launch of the campaign this track is exclusively broadcasted on Deezer platform.

To go with the graphic territory of the movie, the idea of the agency was to create a track mixing various influences such as rock, electro and pop to convey the idea of a brand that is open to all kind of music fans. The original « Wannamama » was deeply rock oriented, the agency worked together with Pop Levi in order to implement an electro-pop tonality that suits perfectly the rythm of the editing. The sound design has been especially conceived to magnify the sountrack variations, particularly the two key moments when the music stops to be finally unleashed.

So music is a key element to deliver the message of the film :

« Nothing will stop the music »


Having been launched only for four months, the campaign is already showing very positive results.

Marketing results (Deezer- April 2013):

+ 1,5 pts for the rompted brand awareness

+ 5,7 pts for the awareness of the music on mobile/tablet

Presse and website coverage : over 15 articles (CBnews, La correspondance de la publicité,…)

Blog coverage : over 20 articles in international blogs (Designweek, I believe in Ad, Ads of the World, Fubiz…)

The campaign has been chosen for the National Arts Deco french Museum permanent collection

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