Cannes Lions


FoxP2, Cape Town / STER KINEKOR THEATRES / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Our solution began with an emotionally engaging web film about a boy who’d been blind for 10 years, going to the movies for the first time. Then we asked the country to answer a simple question – what movie should he watch first?


A series of web films allowed people to connect with Philani Twala’s story and stimulated movie suggestions over a period of 4 weeks. These films were so well received that 13 high-profile celebrities got behind our campaign with almost no media spend – many of them even created their own short films to show their support and suggest a movie for Philani. The large fan-bases of these influencers meant that the story was soon being shared all over the country, leading to considerable social media reach.


With a social media budget of just R60 000, the resulting engagement from this strategy gained more than 48 000 000 online impressions earned media coverage worth R14 350 000 - more than 20 times the entire campaign budget of R650 000.

Attendance targets were exceeded by 17% over the campaign period. Donations to Ster Kinekor’s Vision Mission CSI rose by 60% to R70 000 per month over the campaign period, and have settled to a consistent monthly growth of 30-40% since then.

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