Dubai Lynx

Priceless Benefits







A Mastercard is so much more than just a convenient way to make cash transactions. We needed a create a digital platform to educate sophisticated consumers about the huge variety of offers and benefits that come 'ready loaded' into the various type of Mastercard cards.

This online experience would then be used as an elegant tool by both consumers and card issuers. Our aim was twofold. Allow banks to increase their enrolments for credit cards and encourage existing cardholders to explore the full potential of their cards and thereby increase usage

The premium nature of Mastercard and in turn its users required us to design an elegant and efficient experience that enticed millions of Mastercard users in and helped them discover the true potential of their cards.


The premium nature of Mastercard and its users dictated the design system that resulted in a site that was both intriguing and effortless to use.

This meant that we employed a sleek look and feel that conveyed class around every corner, overlaying sophisticated typography over stunning cinemagraphs and bold photography beside unique graphic touches.

The site was peppered with interactive elements that elevated the user experience, and enticed them to delve deeper and explore.

In every detail, our work expressed the brand image and presented guests with beguiling rewards and benefits.

We created one experience that unified each card's visual language into one seamless individual journey.

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