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Three years ago the ALS Foundation Netherlands started a special project. Patients made campaign statements, which were aired after they had already died. As a result, awareness of ALS has risen to 89%. Donations doubled. But as the cause of this merciless disease remains unknown, more money for scientific research is needed.

Time to take this thought provoking campaign one step further. A new group of patients recorded campaign statements, which were aired after they have passed away. And now their confrontational message is even more direct.

Like angels on a sales mission, the deceased participants make a personal appeal to continue their fight. Promoting specific fundraising activities. Knowing details about future events, locations and dates. As if they are still here to keep an eye on us.

The campaign runs in various on- and offline media. PR plays a crucial role in putting this confrontational approach in the right perspective from the start, featuring participating patients and their loved ones as ambassadors:

- The campaign is launched on the national news.

- The nation’s leading leading talk show runs an item.

- More tv-shows and nearly all major blogs, magazines en newspapers publish reports on the campaign and the fight against ALS.

- The web care team monitors the discussion on social media 24/7 and joins if necessary.

It works. One month later donations went up by 400%, and until there is a solution, more money can be expected, as more patients will pass away and make a personal appeal to continue their fight.


After the first participating patient, Gerrit Groeneveld, died on November 11th 2013 the campaign started. PR plays a crucial role to put this confrontational approach in the right perspective from the start.

- The campaign is launched on the national SBS news.

- Later that evening the nation’s leading talk show brings a special item on the campaign.

- Gerrit’s own Twitter account is one of the used media channels. After his death Gerrit starts tweeting fundraising messages. A group of Dutch celebrities sympathizing with the ALS Foundations re-tweet his messages from the afterlife.

- The first days the Foundations web care team monitors the discussion on social media 24/7, joining the debate if necessary.

- The following days more TV shows, and nearly all major blogs, magazines and newspapers publish reports on the campaign, featuring participants and their loved ones as ambassadors.


Website visits have risen by 325%

Donations have increased by another 400% (donations via the donation tool on and direct donations for specific fundraising events).

The result is a net result, because there is no marketing budget whatsoever and all parties involved work on a pro bono basis.

And until a solution against ALS is found, more money can be expected, when more participating patients will pass away and make a personal fundraising appeal from the afterlife.

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