Cannes Lions

Randstad Route 55


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Randstad’s day to day business is to search for talent all over the world. For Randstad’s 55th anniversary a search for talent amongst their own employees. This talent’ journey was a perfect comparison to Randstad's purpose: discovering talent, develop it, coach it and show it! Everyone with a musical talent (singing, instrumental, bands or individuals) could audition. The journey they experienced symbolized many moments that their clients (temp workers) go through as well, such as showing ambition, find your talent and the right coaching, practicing to get better and eventually… success! They also had to campaign online in order to win as many the votes of their colleagues as possible.

The country winners performed at one of the 26 global Randstad Route 55 parties on September 26. The three global winners were invited to The Netherlands, got professional coaching and performed for the jury. A winner was chosen by colleagues.


Phase I: Employees around the world uploaded their audition videos, showcasing their multi musical talents. In all countries employees voted online for their favorites resulting in a top ten per country. These were challenged to produce an elevator pitch video (phase II). After voting, 3 acts per country remained. With a 500 euro budget they created their version of a top 10 cover song (phase III). Now employees voted for their country winner. Phase IV: Employees worldwide were asked to vote again, for a global top 3 that travelled to the Netherlands for a finale show, in front of a live jury. This was published online and the 29000 employees were given the final say for the global winner (Phase V). Country winners performed on the 26 global Randstad Route 55 parties. The global winner won also a professional recording of their version of the Randstad song.


309 audition videos were uploaded. 28243 employees registered on the Randstad Route 55 platform. In total almost 25000 votes were casted for local and global favorites. More than 30 acts performed at the global parties. One act was choses global favorite. 6592 employees participated on the Route 55 community ‘The Buzz’.

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