Cannes Lions



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Heart disease is the No.1 killer of Indian women and Saffolalife wanted to address this unspoken cause of women’s heart-health.

Since men are the primary decision-makers in Indian households, women put forth his needs above their own. Whereas, when it comes to her health, she seeks hand-holding from her husband.

Thus, we had to sensitize the man and enable him to accompany her for a cholesterol test on World-Heart-Day (WHD).

However, this year WHD fell on Monday-a working day. Amidst a busy work schedule how could a man step out from office to accompany her?

We decided to put big business corporations on the frontline and hold them accountable for the lives of its employees & their families.

With support from 24 corporates like PepsiCo, Colgate & KPMG we inspired half-a-million people to take the first to #ProtectHerHeart.


A week before World Heart Day, we tied up with India’s leading newspaper and split the news run based on organizations rather than cities. We surprised CEOs of top corporates by sending them personalized copies followed by an emotional appeal right below the masthead requesting them to grant leave to employees on World Heart Day.

We urged employees to sign an online petition which automatically generated an impactful personalized leave application which was sent to their respective HR flooding their inbox.

We went further and walked-the-talk by setting up 700 free cholesterol test centers across India.


Our initiative caused a huge shift in the perception about women’s heart health.

In a span of just 25 days:

a. Half a million registrations for free cholesterol test

b. 23000+ online registrations for free test on our microsite

c. 4500+ petitions received from employees and shared with their HR teams from companies like Pepsi, Tata, Colgate, & Edelweiss etc.

d. 24 corporate houses partnered with us to mark the quantum of the cause Saffolalife initiated

The movement inspired half-a-million Indian women to take the first step towards a healthier heart.

We saw a healthy spurt in brand’s imagery scores as well:

a) “ Good-for-Heart” imagery grew from 44% to 58%

b) Spontaneous awareness increased from 77% to 83%

Social engagement grew by 35% with digital platforms delivering 8.1million impressions. Organic PR went abuzz with free celebrity endorsements and we garnered earned media worth $1.5million in less than a month.

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