Cannes Lions


CHEIL UK, London / SAMSUNG / 2014

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






Samsung’s smartphones are based on amazing technology. But the brand lacked believability among our media-savvy 16-25 audience. We needed a new strategy to engage with them. One that talked in the same discreet digital spaces they lived and breathed, using real voices that could resonate across digital and social media. So we created Over To You - a campaign for our audience, by our audience, via their audience.

Understanding that Millennials develop stronger relationships with brands when they are actively involved in their creation and promotion, we built an engagement platform and put our technology in the hands of a new generation of social media superstars. Then we gave them freedom to make their own amazing content. Together, they created a real-world product manual, demonstrating the power of the Galaxy Collection. Once their films were finished, they did what comes naturally, sharing their films with their fans, a highly-engaged collective audience of over 1.5 million. This targeted the right group of people in the right social channels at a fraction of the cost of a traditional campaign.

With over 1,150,000 views - 77% of our potential target audience - the content is not only being seen, but watched avidly, with 70% completion rates. But the real result is engagement. Instant. Genuine. And straight from the mouth of our audience, with positive sentiment a healthy 97%. It’s this innovative focus on building a brand by leveraging existing peer relationships on social platforms that makes Over To You relevant to this category.


Our 25 Over To You influencers were a chaotic bunch - artists, dancers, DJ’s, magicians, fashionistas, entrepreneurs, foodies, gamers, BMXers, rappers and more. Together they produced a real world product manual for the Galaxy range with everything from Ben Cook’s messy “31 More Things YouTuber’s Do” to Isamaya Fffrench’s face-paint kaleidoscope mash-up (see supporting materials).

Once the films were finished, our co-creators became our media channel, sharing content with their followers - a highly-engaged audience of over 1.5 million This targeted exactly the right group of people in the right social channels.

Over a staggered 3-month roll-out, each influencer first created anticipation around their evolving content via social media posts. Then they drew their followers to the finished content by announcing they had posted it - again on social channels. Additional engagements then occurred natively - via YouTube comments and their blogs - guaranteeing an all-important authenticity for our audience.


Over To You re-wrote the rules. Eschewing traditional media, it was natively integrated into our influencer’s own channels. Influencers tweeted and posted about their content directly to their followers, activating a potential audience of 1.5 million highly targeted millennials. Feedback from followers extended and amplified the conversation.

• Content has been viewed by 1,150,000 people– 76% of our potential audience

• 70% of films were viewed from start to finish

• There were more than 55,000 engagements with 97% positive sentiment

The entire cost was less than a single UK 30” peak time TV slot.

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