Cannes Lions


ING BANK, Istanbul / ING BANK / 2011

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On January 21st, ING Bank introduced a new product named Turuncu Hesap. It is a unique savings account working like term deposit without term concern. It offers competitive interest rates, has no minimum limit, operation fees. Therefore it provides freedom in earning money.Turuncu Hesap was more than a product for ING Bank, rather a milestone of the strategy to re-position the Bank and to attract new customers. Therefore the launch was planned to attract most attention from customers, to improve "innovative" and "accessible" perception and make ING Bank the savings bank of Turkey.The share of savings within GDP is very low in Turkey, which is a national problem since it hinders generating domestic resource. The strategy was first to make agenda setting & issue management of this problem and then product offering. 360° communication plan was set:• All ING staff participated • Comprehensive media plan covered conventional media, bloggers and social media.

• Commercials for TV, radio, outdoor and newspaper.

The result was beyond expectations. A great interest from media, thousands of new customers and a more innovative and accessible bank perception…ING Bank acknowledged the goal of positioning itself as the savings bank of Turkey by Turuncu Hesap.


Before launch;• Internal communication: "Orange Days" started within Bank in December. Interactive meetings were held with branch managers to explain details and take their feedbacks to finalize before actual launch. Special teams were set up to visit branches for training and motivating staff.

• Issue management: 6 months before launch, CEO has started to address savings issue by all the stakeholders. A week before launch Chief Economist gave an interview about importance of savings.

Launch started with a press conference held in out-of-the-box venue, reorganized with oranges and orange juice bottles to underline innovativeness. Small orange trees were prepared for gifts. Following conference another meeting was organized with finance bloggers. Same day advertisement campaign has started on TV; next day on papers and outdoor. Facebook page was prepared from where customers may apply for product.Following week, CEO met with Economy Chiefs of major dailies to share first results.


The results can be evaluated in 3 headings:Media results were very good in terms of coverage and usage of ING’s messages: 42 news in national and local papers reached 16,985,499 people. 3 news on national TVs, 61 news on internet portals, 85 entries on Facebook, 91 tweets in Twitter and 20 entries in Friendfeed.Facebook followers of ING Bank jumped to 15,000 from around 3,000 people.Marketing results were a real success. Around 160,000 people applied for Turuncu Hesap in 3 months which corresponds to double of targets (confidential information).Perception results suggested significant improvements in "close to its customers", "easy to access", "global expertise" criteria, and small increase in "innovativeness" criteria.

ING Bank introduced following "firsts" with Turuncu Hesap:- Application without going to branch on internet- Highest interest rate - Term deposit without term concern

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