Spikes Asia

SCB Priority Banking


Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






Campaign objective and context:

In a cluttered and heavily regulated banking environment in India, sourcing new clients is a challenge, especially in the premium segment, where people already have longstanding banking relationships.

With this background, the marketing challenge for Standard Chartered was two-fold:

1. Commercial / Business objective:

To mobilize INR 50 million in incremental revenue for the Standard Chartered Bank

2. Marketing objective:

a. To acquire 20% incremental Priority Banking clients over and above business as usual. This amounts to 310 new Priority Relationships

b. To increase brand consideration by 5 percentage points

3. Communication objective: To generate 1500 qualified leads over the campaign period


A comprehensive media execution plan across digital, local area activation and print & outdoor were designed. Select media across these channels were picked to target the customer across the various daily touch points, through:

a. Immersive advertising in leading newspapers and key magazines to get their attention as they start their day

b. Radio & OOH to drive the message through to consumers en-route work in their cars

c. Workplace branding at Corporate Parks across key cities to ensure higher recall

d. Activation on the weekends at their building complexes, helping bring to life the campaign thought

e. Innovative cinema branding through cinemagraphs at their weekend blockbuster-cinema viewing

f. Social media and digital innovations through:

• LinkedIn InMail to target professionals

• Affinity-based interest category (e.g. golfs, luxury brands) targeting on Facebook including sub-targeting across key categories such as professionals, expats etc. Custom based retargeting was used to re-market to dropped-off clients

• Content seeding on key portals like Outbrain to create higher


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