Cannes Lions



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Doctors of the World is an international humanitarian organization that provides emergency and long-term medical care to vulnerable populations. The Swedish chapter, the smallest within the organization, were in need of publicity in order to reach new, potential donors.

With no money to buy ads, we launched a pro-bono campaign build around a free-to-download app titled Screen Donor. An app that, when turned on, lets the user donate unused space on their phone screen for ads with information about Doctors of the World.

When sitting down for a meeting or a coffee with friends, most of us place our smart phone on the table in front of us. As the phone goes in to sleep mode the screen turns black. Empty space. But it doesn’t have to be.

We figured this visible space could be used to say something important instead.

Screen Donor makes it easy for people to make a stand and at the same time educate their surroundings about the organization.

People not only downloaded the app, they also started asking their friends on Facebook and Twitter to become Screen Donors for Doctors of the World which leveraged more media attention.

The campaign generated 300 donated ads and over 50 press cuttings with an estimated reach of over 4 000 000 people. Swedish National Television (SVT) and National Radio (SR) made interviews with volunteers at the clinic. The publicity numbers increased by 233% compared to the same period last year.


As a pro-bono campaign we created Screen Donor, a free-to-download app for iPhone and Android, that when turned on disables the screen saver mode on your smart phone. Instead of the screen going dark it displays an informational ad from Doctors of the World. The app also contained information on how to donate money to the organisation and a direct link to the website for future donors and volunteers.

We then created an informational kit, containing a demo video of the app together with shareable pictures and gifs for future Screen Donors to use in their private social media. The kit was sent to social media ambassadors and selected media.

People not only downloaded the app they also started asking their friends on Facebook and Twitter to become Screen Donors for Doctors of the World which leveraged more media attention.


During the campaign Swedish National Television (SVT) and radio (SR) made interviews with volunteers at the clinic. Estimated media value for the TV interview alone is 50 000 Euro.

The campaign generated over 300 donated ads on individual phones and 50 press cuttings with an estimated reach of over 4 000 000 people. It also helped the organization reach new younger target groups on popular news channels and blogs like Yahoo, PSFK, Trend Hunter and Tree Hugger.

The publicity numbers for Doctors of the World increased with 233 % compared to same period last year.

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