Cannes Lions
With the proposition: 'The most brilliant white Christmas ever with the Beauty and the Beast, we gave visitors a reason to return. 'Real snow' falls several times per day in DLRP. The White Christmas experience begins with the envelope and contains a magic letter that is blank except for the text: 'Help, the text is covered with snow! Hold this letter up to the sun to melt the snow and read the text.' The emailing shows footsteps in the snow. The text is revealed as the recipient scrolls down the footsteps.To stimulate direct bookings:• Early bookers receive a video • Three nights for the price of two.
Target total bookings: 505, result direct bookings: 349, result total bookings: 524. Direct Bookings, people who filled in the reply card, were higher than targeted. Also in past campaigns, 80% ran via travel agencies. Currently, 50% run directly via Disneyland Resort Paris. €85 per order is lower than the costs that normally incurs.Qualitative Results: three weeks after maildrop.• 74% remembered the mailing • 73% opened the mailing• 91% felt like visiting the park • 73% immediately tried out the magic letter by holding it outside a window.Client appreciation: 'Special about this campaign is that it corresponds perfectly to Disney's Brand Promise and that it also achieved the quantitative objectives.'
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