Cannes Lions


OGILVY, Singapore / UNILEVER / 2024


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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In Thailand, there are about 161 new burn patients every day, but the Thai Skin Bank, the collective depository of the nation's donated skin, is empty. The lack of skin donations is mostly due to a lack of awareness. No-one talked about the subject, so nobody donated.

Vaseline, which has been caring for skin since 1870, and has a strong presence in Thailand, wanted and encouraged skin-donor registrations country-wide.


Few Thais knew that skin could be donated, so we turned to those who knew the value of skin and had a strong social presence: Professional gaming streamers. By partnering up with them we let them exchange their favorite skins in the game for skin donation pledges for the Thai Red Cross.


With burn patients and victims rising every day in Thailand, and with a strong lack of awareness about the topic, we decided to target a younger demographic, who would be able to understand the value of skin.


In October 2023, 12 of Thailand's largest streamers went online with a simple message: donate your skin in exchange of one of our favorite skins in the game. Reaching millions of young people over the course of 7 days, we amplified the campaign further with a dedicated youtube film. And with 500 000 vaseline jars with our message on it, we were able to reach a more diverse audience.


780 million social media impressions

66 million views on TikTok and Youtube

20,000 viewers from gaming livestreams

30,000 new donor registrations through the Thai Red Cross

23,653 cm-squared of donated skin collected

6 lives saved, as recipients of skin grafts donated via the campaign

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