Cannes Lions

Sleepy Sheep

Cheil Singapore, Singapore / CANCER SOCIETY / 2022

Digital Proof JPG
Supporting Images






The key visual was created to motivate Singapore men to participate in a Singapore Cancer Society webinar and raise awareness of Prostate Cancer in men over 50.

Focusing on the symptom of the frequent need to urinate at night, we wanted a way to identify the symptom without turning off our audience.

Taking the idiom of counting sheep to fall asleep, we wondered what if the sheep couldn’t sleep because of prostate troubles?

The key visual of sleepy sheep was used online (banners/eDMs) and offline (posters at Singapore Cancer Society touch points + supporting partners e.g. polyclinics, HPB).

It was crafted with details to keep viewers interested across multiple exposures – given our limited budget we needed the KV to keep going and going.

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